Your Rental Unit is in Forclosure - Now What?
An estimated 10 percent of all homes in the United States are in the process of being foreclosed upon. But tenants are suffering from foreclosure as well. But what are the rights and responsibilities of tenants when their landlords lose the property to foreclosure? (Click for full article.)
California Employment Law: No Place for the Wanderer (American Bar Association, Litigation Section, Labor and Employment Newsletter)
This article explains the particularities of California law, especially as it concerns out-of-state employers who have an employee temporarily or permanently working in the Golden State. Visit the American Bar Association's website to read the full article.
Nothing is Certain But...: Tax Leins and the Judgment Creditor
The artcle explains judgment creditor's difficulties when the debtor has a tax lien and explains how attorneys can avoid collecting funds for the Internal Revenue Service when they intend to do so for the client. (Click for full article.)